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Publishing your Thesis

Dear Igor,

no thank you, my (not yet written) thesis should not be published as a book. The individual sections have been published in different magazines, so it is available to a "wider audience" already. Let's save some trees and not turn every collection of written words into a book.


Dear Hinkel Franz,

I am writing on behalf of the International publishing house, Lambert Academic Publishing.

In the course of a research on the The Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech, I came across a reference to your work in the field of Mathematics.

We are an International publisher whose aim is to make academic research available to a wider audience.

LAP Publishing would be especially interested in publishing your dissertation in the form of a printed book.

Your reply including an e-mail address to which I can send an e-mail with further information in an attachment

will be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hear from you.
Kind regards,
Igor Manole
Acquisition Editor

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG
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